
Eit Róisín


10-09-2016, 07:24 PM

Eit, fondly known as Eight, is a European Brown Bear character of mine that I have always meant to be a companion of Vadim. I would ideally like for a romance to occur between the two, but honestly it wouldn't be a picture perfect romance.

I used to play her once before outside of Ardent, she was a shy bear cub that crushed pretty hard on Vadim and followed him around wherever he went. He was often teased about it by his siblings, so he didn't really reciprocate the feelings though he did enjoy her company and think of her as his closest friend.

Some things I would like to remain the same about her:
Her name, her initial shyness and her scottish accent and heritage.

Her name is a scottish word used for referring to the act of setting quartz stones in the river in order to reflect light and attract salmon. I set her up as a healer and a collector of sorts, but you can change that if you like.

She does not have to remain Neutral Good but I would like for her to start off this way. Through character development, you are free to change her up as much as you like!

One thing you should know is that she will always be my character ;3; I will probably shower her in art, esp couple art of Vadim and her, but she is never to be used off of Ardent and if you go inactive I will try to readopt her out.

If you are interested, please reply here with what sort of plots you have for her, what sort of things she has been through (you can alter the history provided, just not the heritage), and your idea on how she should be introduced to Vadim in our first thread together!