
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2013, 06:43 PM

Epiphron was more than content to let her niece take the lead. Since being crowned Alpha, she had been consistently forced to make decisions and do things she was unsure about. But for now, she would quietly watch Azalea as she crept forward slightly in front of her, judging her hunting skills silently. Truthfully, she was not at all a harsh judge, either, for she was not exactly highly skilled at hunting. She wondered silently what skill set her niece would choose to develop. Perhaps hunting, or fighting? She didn't quite envision the yearling as a healer, but looks could deceive, and she certainly didn't know the girl as well as she ought to.

The target was a rather lame elk, old and frail, already barely clinging to whatever life it had left. Maybe a few weeks, or even a few seasons, but it was unlikely it would last through the winter. Especially on its own, as it appeared to be.

She was barely larger than Azalea, but she was a bit stronger. Azalea would make the first move. As silent as she could be, she crept away from her niece, finding the foliage just thick enough to sneak under and around, remaining out of the cow's sight, as well as Azalea's. Silently she watched, ready to spring when necessary, crouched far closer to the cow than was safe. Luckily, the thing was rather dumb as well as weak, and it didn't notice her fully. It paused, making to turn, when Azalea jumped from her coverage.

It was a risky move, but the animal seemed just weak enough for it to work. Azalea sprung quickly, making to chase the animal. Epiphron, having a lead on her, began to sprint alongside the cow, nipping at its side. A powerful leap sent her upward, her parted jaws aiming to latch onto the cow's neck from the side. She was not strong enough to totally take her down, but she faltered as Epiphron clung to her neck, nearly being dragged by the frantic animal. She could only hope, as her fangs sunk into the prey, that Azalea would be able to keep up enough speed to finish her off -- or at least take her down so they do it together.