
Almost Paradise



7 Years

10-10-2016, 01:04 PM

His head tilted when she said that it was the same in her family, his tail wagging slowly back and forth. He hadn't heard of anyone outside of his family doing that, it was pretty cool! Names after natural disasters was pretty cool, he liked a lot of the names that she listed off. Maybe he could use that if he ever had kids again. Bass chuckled at himself, nodding his head about him saying that he was blessed. He guessed in a sense that he was, but he didn't feel like it a lot of the time. "I suppose, when you look at the big picture. I love my children so much, I wouldn't change them for the world. I just wish they would have had their mother there when they were growing up," The pale man's voice was wistful, as hurt as he was over everything he wished that his kids hadn't suffered. His ears twitched though at the sound of her voice when she brought up children, glancing over at her with a frown. He couldn't imagine not having his pups, but to long for babies without anyone with you must be a very... lonely feeling. Trying to lighten the mood back up, he tried to bat his tail against her shoulder in a teasing manner. "I've got more than enough, you can take some of them!" Bass said with a laugh, his deep baritone echoing across the open landscape.

He grinned when she mentioned not being a bother, his head shaking back and forth out of habit. Even though he knew that she couldn't see him, it was a hard thing to stop doing. "It would be a nice distraction, trust me," he said, muttering slightly. It was rather quiet in Abaven still, helping her out would fill his day with useful activities. He could only walk the borders so many times. Bass was really happy when she said that she would help Quake though, she had been pretty much distant since Starling left. Well... most wolves had been. Stifling a sigh, he turned back as Abaven came into view. "Thank you Storm, I really cannot say that enough. But we're here now, welcome to Abaven,"
