
I hear the chimes



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
10-10-2016, 07:47 PM

She had found something so very interesting! The snowy white girl wanted to show her family, so she set off in search of them with one of them gently held between her teeth. What she had found was a small field of white lilies clustered in a little hidden part of the territory. Well, maybe not so hidden...but they were growing rather close to a large boulder near the edge of the land. She had taken one, wanting to show her mom and dad and siblings. And what was so interesting to her about them, was the fact that the flowers looked almost exactly like her in color. They were a pretty white with the palest of pinks on them, their petals thick and open as if welcoming whatever sun they could get. With a wagging tail, the large girl practically walked with a bounce to her step, blue eyes on the lookout for any of the ones she was looking for.

Low and behold, she would see the figure of her father lying down several yards ahead of her. And with an even more excited burst to her step, she quickly made her way towards him. "Daddy! Look wha' I found!" She circled around towards his front, gently putting the flower on the ground as she gazed at it for a moment. "Isn't it pretty?" She smiled, tail continuing it's wagging as she was oblivious to the lack of her father's answer. "I found a whole bunch of them! Wanna see?" She pawed at it, eyes turning up to see his eyes closed. Oops. Was he sleeping? She hoped he didn't get upset by her saying the words 'look' and 'see'...she knew he couldn't see anymore, and she was trying to get used to that fact. She waited a few seconds, but still he did not answer. Maybe he was just really, really tired? She gently nudged his muzzle, trying to wake him as gently as she could. "Daddy, wake up! It's me, Okami!" She looked at him for a moment, brows beginning to furrow, her tail painfully slowing down until eventually it came to a complete stop.

"Daddy?" She stepped forward to nudge him again, but no matter where she touched him or how she did it, he didn't move nor did he make a sound. What was going on? Was he too sick to move? Was he hibernating? Did wolves do that? Blue eyes glanced across his body, ears folding back as she noticed now that he was completely still. Was...he even breathing? Her heart pounded painfully against her chest, afraid of what exactly was going on. She didn't know about death, or the cycle from birth to death that every living thing went through. But she felt that something was wrong here, and she was scared. "Daddy wake up!" She quickly nipped his ear, hoping that maybe it would wake him. She always woke up when someone nipped her ear, but even with that he didn't move.

Panicking now, her eyes watered and her throat tightened from the fear that gripped her. She needed help. He wasn't moving, and she didn't know what to do. Taking a step back, she raised her head howled for her family. Her mom, her siblings, someone, anyone that could help! It was an urgent call, laced with fear. Lowering her head, she whined, then would begin to lick his muzzle, hoping that he might finally stir while they waited for help to come.



Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag