
Cause we're worth it


10-10-2016, 06:06 PM

I flew into pieces, and she flew into me

Gethin was no healer, but he had taken care of his brother enough back in the day to know a little bit here and there. He didn't ask Mercy if he could take care of her, he just set to work like it was second nature to do so. Thoughts about their last conversation and worries over what trouble she had gotten herself into were all set aside for the moment. He loved her. Whether she liked it or not he was gonna take care of her for at least a little bit. After he slipped off of her he started slowly working his way up her body, gently and carefully cleaning each of the bites he had left and any that he could find from her previous fight. By the time he made it back to her face the edges of his lips were stained red from the mix of the blood he had pulled from her during their fun and the blood from her opponent he had cleaned off of her in the process. His eyes found hers for a moment and a slight smile twitched at his lips. "Stay here, alright? I'll find you something to eat. I don't know if there's any herbs around here or not, but I'll keep an eye out while I'm at it." He licked away a spot of blood off her forehead before he turned to head further into the trees, glancing over his shoulder briefly to make sure she wasn't gonna move.

It didn't take him too long to hunt down a rabbit for her, but just as he suspected there wasn't a whole lot to find as far as herbs went. Well, at least not for ones he knew. The place he had grown up in hadn't been as far north as this was so he wasn't entirely familiar with this place. He trotted back to where he had left her with the hare hanging from his jaws. He sat it down at her paws before taking a step or two back and settling down on his stomach to wait for her to eat. "No luck on the herbs I'm afraid," he added as an afterthought. He glanced around at the large trees that surrounded them, just really noticing them for the first time. He had been so focused on Mercy that the rest of the world hadn't really mattered. Even now all he was really doing was looking out for any other wolves or animals that might be in the area to make sure they didn't bother them while Mercy ate.

saying, "Play me a song, it's been too long since I've heard you sing"