
in a little green boat



7 Years
10-10-2016, 06:29 PM

Once upon a bygone time, the man in the moon had a bit too much wine

Orica had gotten to burrow away inside a dead whale once. It had been a bit like this. Only the "bones" of this strange creature tasted of ice and stone and blood, not marrow. They were more like stone in their own right. The fae had seen strange skeletons like this before - or traces of their shells in other forms and other places - sometimes much smaller, looking like overturned turtles half buried in the side of the hill. Sometimes huge and towering - with trees and birds alike finding homes in them. This one - who could possibly know how long it had stood there. And yet... there was something familiar about it. Something... maybe she'd heard tales of such things.

The land's were cold and snowy up here so the wolf knew she was getting close to her destination. But in the meantime she could not help but explore. And if she'd gotten off the beaten trail, if she'd dallied this time, she had a reason. A blizzard had come out of no where. Oh it might be autumn in more southern reaches, but the cold had a firm hold on these lands to the north. Which, to be honest, was just how Orica liked it. Where she was born and bred the warm months were the exception, not the rule.

Yet how foolish of her to get stranded in the this ice cold place- with even Yona to snuggle with for warmth. She hoped her baby was still to the south. Baby. Orica sighed. "My girl can take care of herself," the older wolf said aloud as she trasped down metal stairs and made her way deeper in the hull of the only shelter there was for miles. "Unlike her mother it seems. Who manages to get her butt shipwrecked while still on land." With her big fluffy tail, she gave a dusty corner some sweeping. She'd have to settle in for a while and hope that this wasn't one of those week long blizzards. She had some mint and things in her healer's knapsack, but she certainly couldn't produce a deer or a quail from inside. Another wolf might have felt panic gnawing at their spine from such a situation, but panic never did anyone a lick of good. So Orica sat down. She let a single howl - one that reverberated through the metal fillings and chambers and into the air - just in case anyone stronger might be about, and then she sat her haunches down and prepared to wait. Her paws were travel worn anyway. She deserved a bit of a respite.