
Familiar as a Stranger


10-10-2016, 07:24 PM

Neptune's gaze went back to the satchel as the nice lady started explaining what was inside. "Herbs," he mimicked, feeling the word on his tongue as he pronounced it carefully so it wouldn't mess it up. He stretched his neck up so he could peek inside when she lifted up the flap for him. There were so many different leaves and flowers and stuff in there! He'd never seen so many! His tail wagged behind him and he looked back up at the lady with a big smile. "Tha's cool!" he exclaimed with a little hop of excitement. He'd never heard of such a thing! There were plants that made you feel better? He didn't even know that tummies and heads could hurt! Well, his tummy had kind of hurt when he was hungry, but he didn't think that was the same thing.

"I'm Neptune!" he told her matter of factly, still smiling up at her happily. He struggled over the first syllable of his name a bit, but his chest puffed out proudly when he said it properly. "Your eyes are pretty," he added sweetly. He still hadn't paid much mind to the other wolf yet. He was too focused on the nice lady and her nice smelling bag of plants that apparently could do magic and fix wolves. "Do they all have diffen' powers?" he asked curiously, nosing at the flap over the bag again to sniff at them. The curiosity of a pup was endless after all!
