
Eggs and Bakie!



9 Years
10-11-2016, 01:14 PM

He hadn't realized how tiring kids would be. Had Surreal been feeling well he probably would have bothered the woman to get an idea of how raising them would be. Of course he hadn't expected Kav to spit out five of them and they were all handfuls. He was enjoying having them to fill up his time, even if they left him exhausted each night. He certainly envied their energy and vigor and it seemed their curiosity was almost endless.

This morning was no exception.

He'd been sound asleep when the weight of his first born plopped onto his back with a huff. An ear flicked but he was reluctant to get up just yet. Puppy paws were the next thing that he felt as he came down on his head. Groaning was the only thing that escaped him, but it seemed Fable wasn't done with assault. He didn't open his eyes though and the next thing he knew tiny milk teeth were digging in to his ear.

He still wouldn't budge though. Still half asleep and unlikely to move he was firm in his slumber. He was faintly aware of a paw to his gut, but these he was used to. Some of them had a habit of kicking in their sleep, but they were all still relatively tiny so it bounced off of him with no harm done. Fable seemed to have given up and with any luck the child would go back to sleep. He didn't hear him leave the den, but a few moments later cold water splashed down on his face.

Feeling much more alert now his head sprung up and he glanced around confused before he stared at Fable. His nose scrunched up before he flung water droplets from his face as he shook his head to be rid of it. Well Fable had gotten what he asked for. Creed was very much awake now. His gaze focused in on his gray and white marked child and he stared at him confused for a moment before he let out a chuckle.

"Alrigh' alrigh, Ah'm up. Wha' is it yer wantin ta do today?" He asked curiously, having missed the part about wanting to learn something. He knew the boy must have something he wanted to do, else he wouldn't have been so insistent on waking him.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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