
in a little green boat



10 Years
Extra large
10-11-2016, 04:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2016, 04:08 PM by Áki.)
The first time Aki had seen this ship, he had  been amazed that Sabine would ever choose to live here, even if only temporarily. It was the opposite of everything they'd ever known - it was a bit claustrophobic and the stench of the inside was stale and dank. She'd seemed a bit defensive of it, and thought that its sturdy unnatural walls might might a good place to whelp her young. He wondered if his sister was still here. He sniffed at the air as he strode closer to it, ears flicking as he wandered closer attentively.

Though her scent remained her, it was not as strong as he hoped. A slight frown teased his lips, though he knew he ought to wait before being certain that she was gone. He hoped she hadn't left.. he'd traveled an awful far way to get here. At least now he didn't have to worry quite so much about Renhett's health. Now, though, he worried about other things, like whether Bass would decide that his children belonged to Renhett and to Abaven. He could only trust that he would not have to fight for them.. he'd already made the decision that there was nothing he wouldn't do for them, but he didn't really want to cause trouble.

His mind strayed quite far from the present moment - somewhat of a rarity, for him - until the sound of a woman's call reached his ears. It seemed to be coming from the structure he was approaching. Nose wrinkled as he tested it, certain the sound was not anyone he knew, and he continued onward. Tusks nearly grazed the earth as he trailed after the stranger's scent, finally reaching something that mildly resembled an entrance to the ship, his head swinging inside. "Hello?" his strong voice called out, reverberating off the walls with a low rumble.