Disgrace ;
'Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor, solnyshko,' "and yet there was not a lick of humor on my tongue, nor does it run through my bones." It was then she shifted closer though there was still a good distance between them - smoldering hues burning into the ice blue gaze of the man. Just as she was no humorous nor was he, "you aren't very fun company," she hissed, but it was not to be mistaken that she did not mind if he would decide to leave. The ebony woman knew that more then likely that would not be any time soon and while she could leave herself she found it unnecessary. She was here first and had a right of way in this place, or so she claimed to herself, and therefore no paw of hers would be find retreating from simply him being there. When he questioned what she was doing here a brow simply rose at him as though she was surprised he even asked. What did he care? To be rather honest with herself she knew he didn't - so what was with the small talk. "Living," and since he did not enjoy her low form of humor that was all she would feed him.
"Don't pretend as though you are interested in my company," straightforward was all Faina knew how to be due to her childhood. Growing up with brothers did not make it easy to beat around the bush as one would say as they would constantly call her out on her bullshit. Now it was her turn to call him out on his. Audits flickered forward upon her ashen crown and from there she remained silent as she had nothing more to say. She was not here to entertain him and she would let that be well understood. "speech" |