
Chitter Chatter



4 Years
10-11-2016, 08:39 PM

As Ganta suspected it didn’t take too long for Avalon to make her way to him. The woman smiled, tail wagging slightly, though Ganta was sure when he looked at her that there was something more than met the eye about her current condition. He had taken notice of the new scar but politely didn’t ask about it. If Avalon had a mind to tell him what it was from she’d tell him. He suspected however it had something to do with the foreign scent that he’d passed on time while patrolling. Avalon’s scent had been there too, hence why he hadn’t come to her about it, and blood... But... Ganta shook his head, managing to smile as well.

“I’ve been alright, Avalon.” The young man said softly. “Though I’ve been a bit... Restless I suppose. The training sessions didn’t quite go the way I was expecting and I see a bit of discontent within some of the other pack members.” Such as Karnage when he left the Healing training. “I’ve also noticed that we haven’t had much time to speak as of yet and wanted to check in with you. I know the life of an alpha is busy and, well, I wanted to offer my services to help how I can.” Ganta tipped his head.

“I am by no means asking for a high position, Miss Avalon, but I’d be happy to be in a working rank so that I might be able to do a bit more for the pack. I feel that the loose patrols I’ve done are not enough.” His ghostly white eyes returned to her. “...and... I’ve had something else on my mind too... If you’ll hear me out?”

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...