
in a little green boat



10 Years
Extra large
10-11-2016, 09:26 PM
If Sabine wasn't here, where had she gone, he wondered? Though worry tickled the back of his mind, he knew that she was more than capable of taking care of herself and her children - he wondered if they were born yet or not. It didn't stop him from thinking about it, though, and his mind wandered as he waited. Only a moment passed before he heard the gentle pattering of paws, of nails clinking against worn metal and stray snow being crunched. His ears flicked, following her approach as he continued to peer into the slight darkness.

"Indeed!" he'd return her call gladly, tail flicking against the snow that had begun to fall. Such storms were unpredictable, but common in the lands he had grown up in. While he did not worry too much about it, he didn't wish for the storm to grow either. The snow had arrived suddenly, but he was already on his way here and there was no use in turning back now after he was so close. Perhaps he might even find some decent company to ride out the storm with, since it seemed Sabine wasn't here today.

A wide grin spread his lips from his teeth as she greeted him. Her expression was hard to decipher in the dim light, but he was glad to not see fear there. He was in no mood to convince someone he was not some monster sent to destroy them. He was but a wolf, albeit one with tusks and a strange coat - but he had seen wolves with coats just as bizarre. And ones who wear bells, he thought silently, fighting back a chuckle as he strained to examine this new acquaintance.

When she offered he get inside, he'd respond with a grunt and pad into the shadows of the structure. His eyes would take a bit of adjusting, coming from the plain of bright white ice and snow. "You think so?" he'd inquire, his tone conversational and curious. He'd never been one to pay much attention to weather, though he enjoyed watching the sky and the messages it sent them in the stars. All he knew was how to endure it. He noticed the wind growing stronger than, whipping his fur and sending an eerie whistling through the ship's hull. "I suppose you're right," Aki said after a moment, taking a few steps deeper in, and shaking his thick coat to rid it of any fur that had accumulated since the snow had began. "I'm Áki Jarvela, by the way." His voice was low and lackadaisical, his thick northern accent emphasized when he spoke his name.