
They say that rock will never survive



9 Years
10-13-2016, 01:38 AM

He was surprised but not disappointed to see Jae arrive first - he'd have expected her to be exploring some distant territory, but here she was. He met her hesitant smile with a strained expression of his own, nodding to her when she commented on not being late. When she asked if they could talk after, his breath caught for just a second, before he nodded again. "Of course," he rumbled, his tone deep and smooth, "You can beckon me any time." He would have said more to her, but this was not a private meeting, and they were soon joined by others. Limno was next to arrive, and her presence was bold - she wasted no time reintroducing herself and making her status known to Jaelle. Her personality was strong, it almost irked him a little, but he could still chuckle at her eagerness. At least he could see that she was not going to shy away from her responsibilities, just as he would not. He knew he'd still have to get to know her better, though, so he would need to make time for that. He moved closer to her, so that he could speak in a hushed tone to her. "Greetings Limno," he murmured, touching his nose to her shoulder, "Easy now, don't worry, I will announce your status to the pack when they arrive." He pulled his head away from her, smirking, before moving away and seating himself where he'd been, waiting for the rest.

He nodded to Soleil as she arrived, offering her a strained smile and wag of his tail, wanting her to feel welcome regardless of everything that had happened. Still, he felt a twinge of sadness, knowing how alone she was, so alone that she would rather be here, hurt and seething beneath the surface, than just leave him behind forever. "Soleil, welcome," he said, falling silent when she turned to greet Limno coldly, with a word he didn't know... although from their talk, he had an idea. He wasn't quite sure how to address it, or if he even should - perhaps the tension was something that would pass in time, or be settled amongst the women themselves. He wasn't going to scold her in front of everyone, so he ignored it for now. When Armai arrived with Nox at her side, he decided he ought to call out to her - he knew as the pack grew he wouldn't be able to greet everyone individually, but he had to address her so she knew he had noticed her, and he was indeed pleased to see her. "Armai, good to see you!" he called out to her - as she seated herself, she wondered if her friend would be coming as well, the one he'd seen with her the last time.

Almost as soon as he'd thought it, he saw the brute arrive with a fox dangling in his jaws. He would try to offer the brute a nod and smile, but it seemed that the man was a little preoccupied with his friend, which was fine by Xephyris. At last, a wolf he'd never seen before, another woman, approached the gathering - she seemed somewhat cautious, but curious at the same time. And somehow, she seemed to share similar mottled markings as Jaelle did, and she seemed particularly interested in the bell-clad woman, although when she finally spoke her words were addressed toward him. "Yes," he replied simply with a nod. He would wait a few more minutes to see if anyone else was arriving, but it seemed this would be it for now. Hmm, where was Kasai? He'd been sure the fiery woman would be here.

Well, now that everyone was here, he was ready to start the meeting. It was his first time addressing a large group as the one in charge. He hoped he did this right, although he knew as a new pack there was little to discuss besides the rules and a few other basic things. "Welcome to Vyper, everyone, and thank you for arriving promptly," he greeted the group, projecting his deep voice so that he would be heard by all, "For the new faces I've yet to meet, my name is Xephyris - as your leader, you can come to me with any concerns you may have, as well as ideas, visions and ambitions. As it is only our first season together, I know we'll be spending some time just settling in for now, so please make yourselves at home, and give yourselves time to think about what role in the pack you'd like to have. Next season's meeting will cover more pressing matters. For today, bear with me as I introduce you to Vyper's ranking system, and the rules we will follow as a group (-insert long dialogue explaining everything here- check ranks and rules on Vyper's page if you haven't familiarized yourself with them yet!). I'd also like to introduce my second-in-command. This is Limno, my Deputy, and soon-to-be mother to my offspring, so please treat her with respect." He turned to the brown-coated woman for a moment, pausing to let her say anything should she choose, before looking back to the rest.

"That is all for today's meeting, and again, thank you for arriving promptly," he said, preparing to close things up, "If you've already got an idea of what rank you want, step forward now and let me know. However, there is no pressure to decide today. If you still need time to decide what role to fulfill, spend the next season working out your strengths, getting to know your pack mates, and coming to a conclusion for next time. You are free to go, or stay and mingle. Limno and I will be here if you need to talk to us." With that he would wave his tail, dismissing the wolves if they wanted to be on their way. He hoped that some of them would know what they wanted to do in Vyper, but he wasn't worried if they didn't know today. It would just be nice to start placing them in appropriate ranks soon, so they could all get to work. Next season, they'd really need to start working together to prepare for the harsh northern winter.

Ooc: Sorry for the delay on my part! The next round is optional, so feel free to have your character respond if they want to choose a rank or introduce themselves, if not, no response required! Thanks guys!

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]