
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 08:14 PM
Blood oozed from the many gashes and tooth made craters in his skin. The male was exhausted, infuriated, hungry for revenge. This was the one who separated them, of that he was sure...he could smell a slight hint of his sister on its sand colored pelt. The smell stopped him for a moment...then he felt the animal shake and shudder beneath him as another weight pulled it down. Yin had returned to finish the job that it tried to start! He pushed down on its shoulders as it was dragged down, biting down on the back of its neck. Teeth met flesh, then muscle and blood until his tooth scraped bone. The creature beneath him buckled under the combined weight of the wolves as it neared the end of its life source. A strangled caterwaul erupted from its maw, a strange gurgling sound bubbling from its depths. Its strength ebbed away, managing only one last swipe at Yin before its body limply fell into the shallow waves. Lifeless amber ores stared into the face of the moon as its soul drowned to the depths of hell. Never again would it hunt another wolf...

Hansel removed his teeth from the back of the beast, landing heavily on the shore after he got to the edge of the water. He grunted as he let his body fall to the sand, exhausted. His body heaved with the effort of regaining his breath and the use of his mind again. Glancing towards Yin, he made the effort of showing a sheepish grin.
"Well...we win." He panted. He licked several cuts on his legs, but with the cold water, he didn't know how bad the other wounds were...only later would he find out when he regained feeling all over his body. Right now, he felt like he had fallen out of a tree or battered by mountain sheep.