


10-14-2016, 03:38 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 24

Character's Name: Pyrrhus Kedieo
Character Age: 1 Year
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: 45" {Dire Wolf}
Appearance Description:

The young Kedieo is a beautiful creature, reaching a full height of fourty-five inches and towering over many of the commoners in her land and others. As a Kedieo, though a younger and branched off relation of the royals, she has been carefully bred to have a warrior-like build. From a young age Pyrr has been trained to be a fighter and has developed a well muscled bodice because of it. Her chest and back are particularly strong and made to carry her weight and help carry her to battle. She is more tanky rather than slender or lithe with a masculine, muscled build. Her coat is also rather fluffy, particularly in winter when the weather turns more nasty.

If her massive size was not enough for one to gawk at the long mane upon Pyrrhus’ head is another thing of beauty that may draw attention. While it is the same color as her main fur, a bright and brilliant red, it sticks out in such a way that makes it noticeable. Scars are another thing that are scattered across Pyrr’s bodice as proof that she has lived through different battles. She carries herself proudly, her orange eyes, rimmed red around the pupil, shining with a fierce determination and certainty. Pyrr is a wolfess who is not submissive by any means and does not easily show such signs with her body language.

When it comes to her coloration Pyrr is again a bright red, coating her frame like a fresh berry. Though white also marks her beautiful coat in a splash across her underside. The same color also coats her front paws as if she had dipped herself in some paint. Her back paws however are black, same as her ears, tail tip, and facial marking. The black on her face goes from the sides of her nose to under her eyes and then downwards in larger, thicker streaks as if she is crying out the markings. Her nose is a deeper shade of red, rather than black however.

The last thing to take note of is the accessory that Pyrr wears. A collar, studded with large talons from a large bird that she has slain, rests upon her neck. The collar itself is black and the three talons are an off-white color.

Skills: Fighting, Intellect


Large Accessory

12th Slot for Pyrrhus

Three Character Slots Purchased 2/21/14 [#12, #13, #14]

Open Char Pass, Mutation Pass, Dire Wolf Pass via Donations