



6 Years
10-15-2016, 10:13 AM
Ahh, there she goes, more friendly. Poser relaxes considerably, looking softly to the woman the next time he speaks. From shaky to friendly, he's able to get on her level as well. That was nice. That was lovely. Comfort in the presence of another healer. "Marigold is one of my favorites." He's relaxing into the interaction. He's... able to do things like that. Poser takes some time to settle, that's true. People with issues like his sometimes don't settle at all. This is nice, though, and the girl is kind. Most healers, you see, have kind hearts. They are his favorite sort of people, the sort of person he aspires to be in the most base form of them all. That would be nice, wouldn't it? Isn't it pretty to think so? He is easy on these days, and a smile lolls over his face. It's hard to hold himself back. He feels grand. Ever so grand.

Has he found anything? "Cannabis, in the shady, damp soil by the trees. I was hoping for horsetail or white willow bark, my foot still won't heal." Poser offers a devil may care smile, knowing full well that his paw may never heal. It was his own damn fault, living in a nuclear power plant and all, but whatever had gotten into his foot when he'd shredded it wasn't good for it. It still opened sometimes, so he'd continue to wrap it and keep it clean. Maybe the horsetail would help keep it closed for long enough to do something better than only sort of heal.

"Poser Volkov, pleased to meet you." The man's eyes are bright, tail wagging as he looks from the marigold he's been snuffling among. Polite, with a bright Russian accent. Friendly on days like this one. Oh how grand he feels. "Ara, that's a pretty name." It feels pleasant on his tongue, in his mouth. He is friendly, and he feels... lovely. Fantastic even. A new friend, who would have thought!
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]