
Ivory Ridge Plotting and OOC Discussion



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2016, 09:05 AM
Hey everyone!

I'm kind of expanding on the idea of having a thread for pack AW type threads and am turning this into a place for OOC types of discussion whether it be about plots, ideas, suggestions or decisions about Ivory Ridge.

At the moment I do have a matter I would like to have pack input on.

I just realized that it is 200 gems for a territory expansion instead of 400 and I'm currently debating on a territory.  Originally I was thinking the Redbud Nook for a better hunting territory but it is not adjacent to Fenrir's Maw and I'm not sure about having a territory split like that.  Originally when it seemed Karabela would be inheriting Abaven we had the option for three territories and I thought I would connect them via Singing Caverns.  As that is no longer an option I find myself debating.  So here are the three territories I'm looking at and I'd like pack input!

Redbud Nook

Description:  This young new-growth forest took hold after a large fire burned down the previous grove. The ash of the fallen giants which came before has fertilized the soil and provided an ideal environment for the low shrubs and redbud trees that now abound. Each spring the trees explode into color, vivid pink blossoms overtaking the entire region.

Pros: Excellent hunting territory and herb-growth

Cons: On the other side of the mountain range. Would have to cross the Singing Caverns to get there.  Difficult to patrol unless the pack is split.  Could have a portion of the pack living in the Redbud Nook or even sort of do a nomad like thing moving between the Maw and the Nook during Winter and Summer but that could leave the other territory vulnerable.

Deciduous Forest Biome

Rock Garden

Description:  A vast plain spotted with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes. This is a great lookout point, as many of the rocks are tall enough for the wolves to climb on and see for miles.

Pros: Close-by and probably a decent hunting territory plus yay rocks!

Cons: I view it as a grassland-type biome so I'm imagining it would have decent prey like deer and pronghorn but I don't know anything for 100% sure.

Grassland Biome

Stone Steppe

Description:  The Stony Steppe is mysterious, but quite often beautiful. The stones that are it's namesake are a conglomeration of old ancient ruins that have long since been weathered and eroded. Though the basic foundation and stature still stand, much of it has fallen on it's side or caved in.

Pros:  Beautiful and mysterious territory, yay aesthetics! May have an interesting assortment of trinkets because of the ruins but its hard to say for sure.  Possibly an interesting assortment of prey such as antelope and horses.

Cons:  Probably not the best hunting territory.  Again it's hard to tell for sure until the prey guide is finished but steppes tend to be dry and arid.  Also because of the arid conditions it's not rich in a lot of healing herb types.

Steppe Biome

The final decision is mine but I'd appreciate input!  Let me know your guys thoughts!
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king