
Counting Crows [Loki Birthing Thread]



06-19-2013, 09:40 PM

That glare. The venomous look was enough to make the fur on his shoulders stand on end. He knew trouble when he saw it, and if looks could kill he would certainly be dead. She obviously was not pleased with him. Especially since it'd taken him a little bit to get to her den in the first place. She would probably continue to be pissed with him, and it would only intensify as things got worse.

"Get behind me you bastard, support my spine, coil around me like these fucking kids were born out of pure love."

Something told him he better oblige else he lose a valuable body part. He nodded and slithered in with her, coiling around her like she suggested. She lay panting, tongue lolling from her mouth as her body went through contraction after contraction. Going through the process of birth to deliver their children into the world. Half the time she spent cursing him. He just laid there and took her verbal beating, occasionally giving her soft strokes of his tongue along her fur. Occasionally ears would flick towards the entrance and he would growl softly if he heard something concerning. Other than that it was silent.

Finally it was time. With a lot more squirming, screaming, and cursing the first pup was born. He craned his head too look at the child more and observed as she pronounced it to be a female. Pestilence. He didn't revel long at the whitish tiny creature on the floor as it moved to her mother. Instead he waited as more contractions overtook her and she squeezed out another pup. She seemed exhausted, but these pups weren't abnormally huge. With as big as she gotten, surely there was more? It seemed as though she wished for him to name this child. Male. He racked his brain for an answer before coming up with one.


The child was whitish looking too. He couldn't help but wonder if they would grow to have markings like some of his family had. Of course that would come when they were older. He studied both pups for a moment. Their eyes were closed and they were devoid of all senses save for touch and taste. What would they grow to become. Hell, what eye colors did they have? A part of him was impatient, but he could wait.

A third would come. Another male that she immediately named Narfi. He studied the kid as well. The same thoughts occurring. He was naturally curious. She seemed absolutely finished though. Could she take much more? Ears pinned backwards as a scream escaped her larynx. Nope. She wasn't done. Far from done. The next one came out and she leaned against him heavily, barely managing to call the pup Cadabra.

What he didn't expect was for the process to continue. The only thought he could think was "what the hell" and then she sunk he teeth into his shoulder. The man flinched but otherwise didn't move. He didn't retaliate either. She had every right to be pissy with him. Seems as though old age hadn't slowed down much in his system at all. She began sobbing, tears coming from her toxic eyes. She was exhausted and Nnoitra couldn't help but pity her. He couldn't do anything for her though but give her a comforting lick, goading her to keep on going through it. That it would be over soon.

She exclaimed she hated him. Screamed it at him. He doubted she hated him, but it was a very real possibility that she did hate him. Five pups and it seemed as though she wasn't quite done. His head rested on hers as she buried it into his chest. He genuinely felt bad for her. He hadn't meant for it to be like this, but it was done. He couldn't change anything so she would have to continue to move forward. He would just have to make it up to her another time.

Finally the last one came out. The last two that had been born had yet to be named, but no sooner was he about to question it before she spat at him furiously. Demanding that he name the last two, nuzzle them all, and imprint on them. He merely nodded, not took keen on replying or giving her something else to rip his head off over. She surprised him by twisting herself so that she could nuzzle his maw. Seems as though she didn't truly hate him.

He leaned over her and studied the last two, nuzzling them into their right spots before giving them all an affectionate lick. He would bond with these kids. After a moment longer he then decided on names.

"Seth and Devya."

There. They all had names. She seemed to be done giving birth, and now this whole ordeal was over. The man relaxed and rested his head on her, eyes occasionally flicking towards the entrance. He was vigilant. Wary to let anyone come near. Especially since she was so vulnerable and exhausted. He would allow her to rest. Even if it meant staying awake for a while. Eventually, if she woke up, he'd go hunting.
