
Forged in Fire



6 Years

10-16-2016, 05:08 PM

She was quite pleased, actually. Usually something would have gone wrong already, but she was still laying on the branch so casually. Her ears flickered on the top of her head when she heard her name being called, turning her head to look down at Xephyris. A wide grin stretched over her maw, even though they hadn't really talked since that meeting and the time with Soleil. "If I worry constantly about hurting myself, I would never have fun now would I?" she retorted with ease. Her gray tail wagged behind her, spreading the sound of her bells as well as her heat smell. She hardly thought about it though, it was just a lot of fun to be all the way up here in a tree. She felt like a nimble cat, except she wasn't so good at landing on her paws. Wanting to show off, she pushed herself to her paws with a low woof. Her head was held high as she stood stalk still on the branch, until it once again cracked. Oh shi-

The branch broke from under her, and she fell down a few feet until she landed on another branch. Almost bouncing off, she scrambled for a hold with her front legs, her bottom half dangling in mid-air. Kicking her back legs as they suspended there, she tried to pull herself up on the thick limb, but failed. Knowing that she had no other option she slid off, realizing that the forest floor was only about a foot below her. Her nails had almost been scratching at the earth, and she looked over to the silver man with a sheepish grin on her lips. The monochrome woman had probably looked rather foolish, dangling there when she could have just dropped down. Oops, oh well. Shaking out her fur, she stayed standing where she was. The woman was very aware of her scent all of the sudden, her face taking on a more serious note as her blue and brown eyes studied the man in front of her. Out of everything that they had been through together, she wondered what he thought of her. He had made it know that he was protective of her when they were on the beach, but just how many other woman did he want to protect. Casting her gaze away, her ears pinned against her head as she sniffled indistinctly. This was not a time to be thinking of crap like that, not when she was already feeling overly emotional. Jaelle's fur stood on end slightly, the bell-clad wolf could almost feel a pull towards Xephyis. After all this years she hadn't actually been with anyone in... that manner. It had come close with the games that she liked to play, but she knew just how dangerous this hand could be. Slowly her eyes made their way back to his face, studying it with a fierce intensity.

"How do you feel about me, Xephyris?"

The question was sudden, and she could hardly believe that it left her mouth. This was not what she wanted to be talking about, she had come here to inspect the thick woods. Sucking in a deep breath, she turned around and took a few steps away. They could walk and talk, it seemed to be a specialty of theirs. With her scarf tightly woven around her neck she looked at anything but him, taking interest in the trunk of one gnarly tree. It's branches were far thicker than on the one she had climbed. Pouting, she realized that she should have kept looking before she jumped up on the closest oak tree. Her tail flickered behind her, the canopy above them was so thick that only small dapples of sunlight shone on her coat. It glimmered off the bangles on her front legs, spotting her coat with lighter shades. Jaelle paused and looked upwards, easily seeing the few holes that the sin streamed through. It was rather pretty here... but she had company. She knew that she couldn't avoid him forever, so she looked over her shoulder at him. The spots of light lit up her features, a hopeful look colouring her face.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.