
Forged in Fire



9 Years
10-16-2016, 07:47 PM

Xephyris was glad to see the grin that spread across her face, a usual remark leaving her lips, as though nothing was different - no tension, no awkwardness from the translated conversation with Soleil, no hard feelings over everything that had happened. Just her fun-loving self. Plus this enchanting new aroma she wore, which she carelessly waved around as her bells called out with each movement of her tail. It seemed like a blissful moment - until she stood up on the branch. Moments later, a loud cracking sound filled the air, and a wave of uneasiness washed over him as he stood there helplessly watching. In  split second, the branch snapped and Jaelle went crashing down, hitting a branch a few feet above the ground. In her panic it seemed she hadn't realized the branch she clung to now was low enough for her to safely drop down from. Stunned into silence, Xephyris watched her as she finally came to the ground on all fours, and his silver eyes quickly went to work scanning her over for broken bones or blood. Seeing nothing, he sighed in relief.

That feeling of relief, and his earlier feeling that this chance meeting was going to be all sunshine and playful banter was quickly dashed when she gave him a look that he hadn't thought possible from the cheery gypsy. He should have known. After all, they were due to have a serious talk, as she had wanted to speak with him after the meeting. He hadn't seen her afterwards, though. Perhaps she had taken off when the changing season had sprung this hormonal change onto her. Now, staring at her face-to-face, he could see the intensity in her eyes, and the way her mottled fur stood on end. Maybe he should have just left her alone... no, they needed to talk. "How do you feel about me, Xephyris?" He continued to stare, his eyes widening slightly. He hadn't expected her to get to the point so quickly and he wasn't sure he was ready for that question; but then again, how did one prepare for such a thing? Suddenly, Jaelle turned away from him, beginning to walk away. Had he been standing there too long already without a word to her? She had asked him a serious question, and he was just standing there like an idiot. Now what, did he run after her, or was she ready to just walk away from him? He took a tentative step toward her, not knowing what to do, or what to say. The situation was precarious - her scent clouded his thinking and his judgement, stirring desires within him that perhaps would make him do something he might regret. But... would he really regret it?

When she paused to look over her shoulder at him, the sunlight dappling her coat and gleaming off of her bangles in a way he found most extraordinary, he found himself lured by her beauty and that irresistible aroma. It set him into motion, his paws carrying him toward her. "Wait," he called out gently as he rushed to come to her side, his heart pounding as an endless array of conflicting emotions swirled within him. He didn't know why she was suddenly asking him how he felt about her. Did she have feelings for him that went beyond their friendship? Was she expecting a commitment? Or was she merely asking... was she influenced by the hormones that flowed through her during this time? "I..." he was about to speak, and suddenly he felt choked. If he said anything to her now, would he be sealing a deal? If he established how he felt about her, would that mean his other interests would come to a screeching halt? But, that wouldn't be so bad, would it? Except for the fact that he would crush Soleil, yet again, and the sweet, devoted girl didn't deserve that. Yet, Jaelle did not deserve to be cast aside, either, for all the times they'd shared together and the things that the gypsy had done for him. How was he to determine who deserved this or that any more than the other?

But here she was, right in front of him waiting for an answer. If he gave her no answer, brushed all of the feelings under the rug, then surely she would waste no more time with him. He couldn't just stand here in silence, but was he supposed to say the "L" word? Is that what she was looking for? He had never said it, not to anyone, and he wasn't sure if he could say it now... he couldn't even be sure what it felt like, so would it even be right to say it now, or would it be a lie? "Jaelle, I really care about you," he began, his voice a low rumble as he tried to speak honestly, "I... I'm not good with feelings, though. I don't know what to say... I'm always happy when I'm with you. You make me feel so at ease, like there's no place else I should be." Was that any semblance of the answer she'd been looking for? He didn't feel it was nearly enough, and he knew he'd have to come up with something better than that, and fast. His eyes shifted back and forth as he tried to unearth the emotions buried within, tried to put a label to them, and find a way to express it all. How could he find the words in the scant seconds he had to try and figure it all out? He wanted to make her feel special, like she really meant something to him, but he felt like he was failing.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]