
no reflection


06-19-2013, 10:04 PM

Though it was probably only about midday, the sky above was riddled with blotchy, grimy clouds and cast a sullen darkness below like some giant?s yawning shadow. Rain beat ceaselessly upon the earth, pouring an endless and brutal chorus of ?pitter patter? into the air, broken only by the blunt clatter of thunder. Lightning snapped down to bite at the earth someplace far off in the distance, briefly illuminating the gloomy skies with a purplish glow. The ground was sodden and the grass slick, and fat droplets glanced off of the boulders that peppered the area, shimmering with moisture. It wasn?t the most vicious of storms, but it certainly had its fierceness, and this did not please Caesar one bit.

Where most animals had slunk off to hole up in their cozy homes to wait out the storm, he had no such thing to save him from the rain. He did not know the land, and by the time the storm had caught him, he could not even find a tree to hide under. The imp was stuck in a stretched plain, littered with rocks and little else. His gangly, skeletal body was crouched beneath the pitiless torrents, soaked to the bone and reeking with the introduction of water. He was pressed against a particularly large boulder in vain attempt to leech some sense of comfort from its poorly shielding form. A branch of lightning thrust into the sky in the distance, and a clap of thunder split the repetitive tapping of rain. Caesar screamed. His body went rigid, and in a dark blur he had bolted to another boulder, as though that might save him from the danger that did not come.

The tiny beast lowered his body against the new rock, almost lying but not quite. Crazed blue eyes twitched about madly in their sockets, searching for the next bolt of lightning. Water trickled down his forehead and along his muzzle, where some veered off to roll beneath his eyes and create the illusion of tears. His jaws hung open, tongue lolling out as he panted, despite the coolness in the air and rain. Caesar did not like storms. His heart beat fast in his chest, threatening to bust right out of the narrow ribcage and abandon its stressed owner. The creature was paralyzed, crouched and horrified. The only thing he could think about was wanting the noises and the rain to end, though the focus only made time?s cruel counting sand trickle slower.