
Forged in Fire



9 Years
10-17-2016, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016, 02:27 AM by Xephyris.)

He couldn't have stopped the words spilling from his mouth even if he had wanted. She had asked something of him, and he felt like he owed it to her to speak of such things, challenging as it was. But when she leaned in to brush her nose against his cheek, he felt like the words weren't needed. He felt a warm sensation spread through his skin from the area she'd touched. She seemed to jump back with a sharp intake of breath, as though she'd been shocked, her eyes meeting his at close proximity. He stared back into the depths of her duo-toned gaze, his breath increasing as though he were sprinting, wanting nothing more in that second to close the distance between them. He felt magnetized toward her, as though a force beyond himself was pulling him in. But his paws felt like stone, cementing him to the ground as he held back from getting any closer to her. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to control himself if he moved toward her. When she tore her gaze away from his and pulled back, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It was probably a good thing that she had moved away first. He chided himself for the foul things running through his mind, although as she turned away from him, her scent made him shudder and the carnal desire for her burned stronger.

He waited a few moments, catching his breath in a way, before he followed slowly after her to where she had lifted her forepaws to touch the bark of an oak. He heard the soft sighs escaping her, and wondered what troubled her. When she turned to look at him, the sunlight marking her coat exquisitely, and small but tender smile offered his way, his ears folded back, tail waving from side to side as he smiled back at her. If looks could kill... well, right now he would just melt into a puddle under her gaze. His legs quivered as she spoke, her words striking him a little more strongly than he'd expected, causing his heart to pound rapidly against his ribcage. Did she really think so highly of him, having so much gratitude for him? He felt that he was more grateful for her than he could really express, but he had to at least try, right? When her forepaws left the tree, and she stepped toward him, he felt his breath increase again instantly. She tried to explain that she was feeling a little emotional, and he nodded slightly. "Me too, I think," he said somewhat breathlessly, "I just, you... you've been so good... a good, a constant in my life. If anything, I'm the grateful one, for you.." He had to stop, realizing his tongue was tying up, the words barely coming out sensibly as he gazed longingly at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her; everything about her was captivating, and the scent surrounding her simply made it impossible for him to think clearly. How was he supposed to know what the right thing to do was, when all he wanted was her right now?

Without thinking, he stepped toward her when she sat down, appearing flustered and uncertain. Slowly, cautiously, he would try to enter her personal space, something that had formerly felt so easy and uncomplicated, but right now he felt like he must do so with the painstaking care as to not upset her - and also to prevent himself moving too quickly and doing something he shouldn't. If she would allow it, he would try to press the front of his chest against the side of her shoulder, his head moving upward as he tried to wrap his neck over top of hers in an embrace meant to comfort. "It's okay, you can say anything," he murmured, inhaling her scent greedily, exhaling slowly in a ragged outward breath, "I just want..." His body trembled, wanting her suddenly with such intense desire he thought he might lose his mind. He tried to swallow, his throat feeling tight. He had to focus his eyes on something in the distance as he pried himself away from her. He couldn't let these desires control him. He needed to show her that he wanted to be here with her, not just because she was in season, but because time spent with her was always worthwhile. "Uhmm... how 'bout we walk?" he suggested, almost feeling a little bit dizzy. Maybe he'd be able to catch his breath and feel in control of himself again. Oh, how he wanted her, but he felt like he owed her more respect than just pushing his needs upon her. If it wasn't what she wanted, he couldn't pressure her - he just wanted to spend this time with her, no matter what happened.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]