
Forged in Fire



6 Years

10-17-2016, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016, 05:58 PM by Jaelle.)

In all honesty she felt like she was in a dream. Things felt too strange for her to put her paw on, almost like she wasn't in control of her own body. Her emotions for Xephyris were on high alert with her heat sending her into overdrive, and all she wanted was him. It wasn't hard to see that the silver man had been effected by the same spell, his breath coming out like he had just sprinted a mile. Hearing him like that did nothing to calm her fit, it only made her desire for him grow stronger. She was glad that she had pried herself away, because it would have been far too easy for her to just lean into him. Jaelle was afraid that if he touched her then that would be it, there would be no more holding back. Her bells called out as she moved towards the tree, her blue and brown eyes desperate to look at anything but him. There was something that had always confused her though, she was well known for pretty things. Xeph was a pretty average looking wolf, there wasn't much that stood out on him except his blue flecked eyes. But it hadn't been his appearance that first drove her towards him, but the fact that he put himself in danger to help her when she had been a perfect stranger. And then she had fallen for him as who he was, not his outward appearance. It was all very non-shallow of her, it was his personality that she cared for the most. His grumpy attitude and general stiff backed thing just made her want to tease him more and see who was under all that hard exterior. It had been a game at first, but now she knew the real Xephyris. It all made her mind drift towards Aki, the large man who had interested her with his looks first before his fun loving personality. He had played her games just right with her, and talking to him had been so easy and fresh. The tusked man was handsome indeed, and her body shook as she thought about both men. They were so different, but even after one meeting with Aki she felt like she knew more about him that the man before her. Xeph had always been a bit of a closed book, but she had a feeling that she was the only wolf who tried to see what was behind those rocky walls.

Blinking out of her thoughts, Jaelle took in a sharp breath as she felt his chest push against her shoulder. Her whole body lit up with currents of electricity flowing from the contact, and then his head wrapped around hers. The monochrome woman's heart beat with an intensity that she had never known, she felt like a love-struck teenager all over again. It wasn't like she hadn't been around the opposite sex while she was in heat, but this was just... different. He was different, and she wanted him all for herself. A pang of guilt hit her in the heart, she knew that Soleil cared for him in the same manner, if not more. But here she was, wanting to very much take advantage of her heightened feelings. Physical contact was just that much more intense, and with him standing over here like this... He started to speak but she hardly heard him passed the pounding in her ears. Not thinking she leaned into his touch, her skin feeling as if it were on fire. Her muzzle tipped towards him as her jaws parted, nipping the man's chest right by his shoulder. She sniffed in his scent like the sweetest of perfume, her gray head sinking into his similarly hued fur. His voice cut through her pumping blood, hardly making sense at all. Slowly pulling her head back she looked up to try and meet his gaze, trying to understand what he was trying to get at. A sweet, tender smile pulled on her lips as she tried to touch her nose to his, sucking in air as she did so. "I care about you too, Xephyris. Perhaps..." perhaps too much to be falling into this trap set up by her heat. As much as she felt like this was right, she didn't want to ruin anything that they had with each other. Jaelle didn't want to be just another notch in her belt, not when this would be her first time. Just how many woman had he been with in his lifespan? It wasn't a secret that he was promiscuous, and while she talked the talk she hadn't ever walked the walk.

It kept getting harder and harder to focus, her usually sharp mind dulled with the need to feel. He said that she was able to say whatever she wanted, and Jae was tempted to tell her that she had never been with anyone in the direction they were heading. But he spoke again, saying that he wanted... what? Her? She blinked up at him with yearning eyes, but the moment was over sharply as he withdrew himself from her side. She actually gasped as the cold air rushed into the space where he had been, shocking her back to a reality that she wanted no part in. He said that they should walk, and she nodded her head in a dull fashion. Yes, walking. Pulling herself to her shaky limbs, she followed him and kept her eye on the woods around them. It was quite odd, how tightly knit the trees had become with one another. She wondered what had pushed them in that direction when the woods were young. Had they all been competing for the small amount of sun that they got up in the north? She didn't know, and it was far too much effort to think about something like that. Her tail swept behind her as she peeked over at her silver knight, her flanks quivering as she tried to push out what had just happened out of her mind. But she couldn't, and her body demanded to have what it so desperately craved. "Xeph..." she started, trotting to him until she paused in front of him, her left side facing his head. She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to say, her eyes searching his features. "Are we crazy?" Jaelle asked in a breathless manner, taking a very hesitant side step towards him. Her compulsion was a dangerous one, but she longed to have him pressed into her in the most intimate fashion. Shaking her head sharply, a garbled laugh left her lips. They were crazy for sure, but she almost didn't care. She was so close to tossing everything she felt into the wind and giving into the most cardinal of her feelings.

The hesitation in her motions came from his own before, it was pretty apparent that he was trying to hold himself back. Part of her wanted to ask why, while another was touched that he seemed to be thinking hard about it. Everyone always said that men thought with their... well, parts. But Xeph was using the right head, apparently. And here she was sashaying her hips as she took another sidelong step towards him, tempting him with the scent of her season. While she liked to play the game, she never really felt like a temptress. But now? She would be lying if she said she didn't want him. She could just toss their friendship out the window right now for a night of fun. How foolish was she, though? Poor Xephyris, trying to hold strong while she kept circling back to it.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.