
I just wanna break this crown



4 Years
10-17-2016, 04:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016, 10:48 PM by Vianni.)
You're so cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal

It was freeing to be on her own, without the rules and strict limitations placed upon her royal back. Mother had not chased her away, no, the princess proudly left with her bloodied maw held high and her tail erect. It had been a mercy killing to take the blind pup from his mother, the incessant bumping into things had been a horrid scene for Vianni to watch. Pale rose gaze had witnessed enough of the weakling, watching for a month after its eyes opened to see if it would be like the others. She waited, calculated, and knew when to strike. The mother had returned too soon, a variable Vi had not prepared for. Once the alarm had been sounded, the female took a running snap at the heir. With the pup still hanging from her jaws, Vianni made a beeline for the exit. She felt teeth graze the sooty socks on her hind legs, leaving scratches in the soft skin beneath, heard the snarls through snowy, coal capped ears. Dodging over the mother, the young princess clutched the pup tightly between her teeth and ran.

Vianni found a safe place near the forest of her home, where she set about consuming the tender, delicate corpse of a month old pup. It was not long after the newly criminalized femme fatale was done with her meal, burying the bones to keep the scavengers at bay, that the queen of the pack happened upon her blood stained daughter. "What have you done, Vianni?" The shocked expression told the young demon everything about what her mother knew. The stench of wolf blood was on her, and there was a madness lurking in the heir's pink eyes. The queen knew that madness, had escaped it when her mother was queen. It was then, with a deep and profound grief, that the queen lifted the soft silvery gray of her curtains against her daughter. Ivory weapons drawn against the only heir to a kingdom long ruled by their family, what a sad day indeed. Vianni dared not draw fang against her own mother, instead, she opted to leave with her head and dignity in tact. With the entire pack alerted to her crime, Vi raised her tail in true noble fashion and walked away from her birth pack for good.

Not long after that, Vianni wandered for nearly three months, alone and barely surviving. Finding herself lost in the deep woods of some unnamed land, she heard the small peeping of a baby bird. Rounding a large redwood, Vianni was shocked to see a fledging magpie, falling from the higher boughs of the ancient tree. In a rush of tenderness, Vianni is there to catch the little bird before it hit the ground. Gentle jaws cushion the young avian's fall, and find him safely on the ground. Looking up, Vianni sees the black and white female looking down on her pale gray son. Monochrome hackles raise as she bears a fanged threat to the mother bird, how dare she simply cast this bird away. It reminded her of the way her own mother had treated her, and she looked down to the blue eyed scavenger bird. Caw-peep! He mumbled, looking up at her with the beginnings of some kind of syndrome. Picking up the tiny creature, Vianni carried him gently in her mouth and continued to do so until he was simply to large to carry.

She had fed him whatever leftover bits she had, chewing them at first then taking him up to solid pieces. Soon, he grew larger - too large for her to carry. It took him a week to learn, but tossing the young bird in the air seemed to be a good method for teaching. Not long after, he was flying on pale grey and ivory wings and keeping his end of a long established wolf - avian relationship. Corvus, as she came to call him, was very adept at finding dead things. He came to learn what she would leave and what she woud pick at. Her favorites were injured prey, and Corvus had even learned her secret. He took on the hunger as well, since his surrogate mother seemed so partial to the lupine sweets. Searching out wolf corpses that were fresh and mostly untouched. Having come to the coast line, and being able to see across to land, Vianni looks up to Corvus. "Should we swim?" Her pale pink eyes glimmered humorously, earning an incredulous caw from Corvus.

Taking the first steps into frigid water, her avian friend took to the sky and stayed right with her until she reached land. Finding themselves in a new realm from what they were used to, Vi shakes her pelt free of excess water before moving on to trek through the frozen field before her. It seemed a fragile land, made of ice and short grasses. Vianni was a princess made for such a color scheme of grays and white. A small, questing caw? sounded from the bird perched on her back - insecure in such a foreign place - as he teetered back and forth on her spine. Dark, soot booted paws struck the earth with perfect rhythm, her pale pink eyes searching for signs of life, though she refused to let loose any saccharin note from her svelte lips. Would any show their face? "Corvus, search for others." He hesitated, but flew off in search of another wolf, fully prepared to come back and lead Vianni to them.

female - 2yrs - 36 inches - no mate - no home
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.