
I just wanna break this crown



8 Years
10-17-2016, 05:30 PM

Asha's life had been a tumultuous event of variables unknown and foreign for her. Sure she'd been on her own before, but ever since the raid... things had felt different for her. She'd only been there for the aftermath, but she was quick to shove her emotions to the side. It was much easier to ignore the conflict within herself rather than face those head on. After all such things were not her strong suit. Still being on her own this time felt less gratifying than it had been when she'd first run into Zephyr. She found herself longing for the old days before her own stupidity had caused Caelum to cast her out. In Asha's mind, her actions had been justifiable. The harm she'd caused the boy had been an accident. She hadn't intended for him to fall in to that river. She still didn't believe it'd been enough to cast her away like some vicious murderer.

The more she thought of the events of the night though the more she wondered what would have happened if she'd been allowed to stay. The night of the attack Zephyr had come to her not long before and she'd learned there was no chance that she'd ever be allowed to return. Apparently her crimes had been harsh enough that she was to be an outcast for life. She still felt a bitter resentment towards Caelum and her ridiculous punishment despite how long it'd been. A part of her pondered if she'd even be dead right now if she'd stayed.

The aftermath had been rather brutal. Bodies had been strewn around and were sickening to look at. What once used to be pack members, had been nothing but lifeless corpses already beginning the process to decaying. She hadn't stuck around to see anything else. She didn't trust that Caelum wouldn't find some way to blame her for it so she'd fled. Where she was going to was still a mystery, but half of the fun was in the journey itself.

She still longed for the familiar company that a pack had brought her. It'd become almost comfortable having the constant presence of others around. Now she was painfully aware of how alone she was. She'd left in search of a new land where she could get a fresh start. The ocean had seemed vast and deadly and yet it took no thought at all for her to begin her swim in the frigid waters. By the time she'd reached the shore she was exhausted, soaked to the bone, and quite chilly.

That had been a day ago.

Now she was only just now finding the energy to go out and hunt. Her stomach screamed for her to find sustenance and so she dragged her lithe frame from her makeshift den. She blinked slowly and stretched out. It was rather chilly, even for the Autumn, and she wondered briefly where she was. Realizing there'd be no one around to tell her she shoved the thought away and gave her sore limbs a good shake before heading off. She had no idea where she was headed, but she was sure it was better than where she'd been before.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]