
This land is our land



7 Years
Extra large

10-18-2016, 07:16 AM
Lark felt suddenly, inexplicably frustrated. What if it was best for Bass to pass of Abaven immediately? What if Karabela would make a fine leader and he was just being unfair about it? Still, Bass had only asked his opinions, and he felt he didn't need to justify them.. especially since he wasn't in charge of anything, and didn't want to be, not right now. He still felt an uncomfortable weight bearing down on him and felt suddenly wildly unhappy. He wished Lillianna was here so he could talk to her - surely she would understand how he felt about things - but he hadn't seen her in awhile.

He forced a smile at his father's words, but it felt less genuine than he had hoped. At least he wouldn't be the most disappointing child - he wondered when Sparrow might return, if at all, and when Starling might feel like coming home - but he might also not be the one that made his father proudest, like he had always hoped. He'd been destined to be the protector of the family, the one everyone looked up to.. and he felt painfully weak these days. "Thank you," he'd murmur softly, glad to hear his father's words despite everything else he felt.

"We should wait, and you should speak to him," Lark offered tentatively, his gaze averting to his paws. "See if it's something he's even interested in or aspires toward, but I think it's a good possibility." A more real smile appeared then as his gaze lifted again to his father's face. "If you're getting tired of ruling, you should figure something out though. It's not fair to burden you with this." His father had many years left, Lark was sure of it, but not forever. And it would be unfair to make him live out his oldest days ruling Abaven if he truly didn't want to anymore.