
say you'll never let me GO



10 Years
Extra large
10-18-2016, 07:51 AM
Bass didn't seem like a bad man at all - hell, he clearly cared about Renhett enough to make sure that this situation seemed to check out. He didn't seem to want Aki to justify his own lifestyle, nor did he question the arrangement that he and Renhett had made, even though it was quite unconventional. He wasn't sure he'd be conformation with trying to convince anyone of either.. he'd never had to convince anyone of anything that he did; he simply did it. But he appreciated Bass's concern, as a father might for his daughter, which was certainly the way Renhett had described their relationship. He offered another grin in return, tail batting against his hocks gently.

"Then we will have no problems," he rumbled happily. He wasn't totally thrilled that they'd have to stay here until they were weaned, but he knew that was best for them - he was not stupid enough to take them from their mother when they still needed her to survive. He'd half-hoped that Sabine might still be producing and, if he found her, she could nurse them.. but moving them would be dangerous, surely, and he hadn't seen his sister in some time. This would have to do, then. "I'd like to stay with them after they're born, and will bring no trouble." Stay within a pack's borders? His stomach tightened; he was not part of Abaven and would not be, but staying with Renhett and his children did not sound like a terrible idea, even if pack life was nauseating to even think of. "You won't even know I'm here." Though the rest of the pack might end up noticing the mammoth tusked wolf, though he would not be a threat as long as no one else proved to be one either.