
heart hope



6 Years

10-18-2016, 08:34 AM
Steel couldn't help but wonder how his family would see him now; what was left of it, anyway. He was sure his sister Ara was not far, perhaps still living with her wife and sons. The rest of them... they seemed to wander more often then not, though he knew they'd be happy for him just the same. Steel.. a father. The very thought sent his stomach tumbling again, with both excitement and anxiety.  "That's true,' he murmured, very glad that there were other pups in Ivalice. His own childhood had been a rather bleak one, and he wanted nothing of that for their own children. He wanted them to laugh and play and know nothing of hardship, for as long as possible. His eyes shone as he watched her, suddenly feeling tears well up in them - happy tears, of course - but he held them back as she spoke.

He remembered the stories his mother and father had told him of their childhood. Their best memories had been living in a pack together, surrounded by those they loved and made memories with. Steel didn't have memories like that, not really, and he was determined to make sure their children did.

He laughed when he felt her belly shift against his nose, full of delight.    "I did," he exclaimed gently. He'd been rather unsure at first - he knew he wanted this more than anything - but he'd been worried he would fail. As the days trickled down, he grew more excited and less nervous. They'd figure this out together, and whatever they needed help with.. they'd find somewhere in Ivalice, if it came down to it. His smile returned tenfold at her words, warmth fluttering in his chest at the thought of them being real. They seemed so far away still, despite feeling them moving in her belly. He pulled back, watching her lovingly. "It'll be that time before we know it," he whispered, nuzzling into the fur of her neck.