
So Far Away


10-18-2016, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2018, 11:12 AM by Elias. Edit Reason: font )
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies. 🦋

Everything occurred so quickly, even adventures which brought current events where they stood now.

White figure danced across the horizon, limbs trembling beneath the lithe snowflake as they threatened to give out at any moment. Hunger pushed the youngster even further than before, not being able to completely fend for herself without resorting to scavenging. Nostrils flared due to excessive intake of air rushing through them, scents mixing together and nearly confusing her steadily learning mind. Which way did the trail go and where did it end? An audible whine nearly left the traveling pup, exhaling all built up air in an disgruntled sigh. Noelle had to assume malnutrition started to falter the usual carefree attitude.

Pressing forward was no easy task, but giving up had was no option after getting this far and picking a random lucky direction had been in her favor. Finally, more intense scents became present and adorned the area all together, but this time she literally couldn't tell where that one scent single smell lingered. Instead of pursuing the invisible target, this time Noelle just gave up at the pool of strong aromas and hoped that someone would find her. Little did she know know, this had been right on a pack border and she nearly crossed the boundaries into trespassing, but of course this little youngster didn't know that.

Paws shifted weight around underneath the light colored female, legs finally giving out underneath her body and collapsing against cold earth below. Dark colored ears perked up in pure curiosity of what beheld all around herself, blue eyes captivated by scenery while her head turned every which direction. 'What a pretty place-' Attention got snatched away when wind swept through the area, causing tall grass to move and wiggle in protest in her face. Front limbs slapped against cold ground in attempt to pin most of that annoying plants, maw parting and aiming to take a mouthful of them in a weak attempt at play.

Walk "talk" 'think'