
inhale and hold



6 Years
Extra large

10-18-2016, 09:07 PM

Her scoff was returned with a grin as he listened to her, his expression playful and his eyes cheerful as she denied his accusation of stalking. He heard her words, though part of him couldn't help but be curious as to whether she was telling the truth or not. If she wasn't following him on purpose, then Elias couldn't help but wonder if there was a greater meaning for their reoccurring encounters.

He flicked an ear toward her question as he moved around the circle of stones he stood in, taking his time to inspect each one up close and take in the scents that lingered upon them. Mostly just squirrels had left their mark here, and various birds but he was hoping for perhaps some sort of sign that another of his own kind might linger here. He finally turned back to her and neutrality returned to his visage, "I guess you could say that. Though, the lack of prey on the northern continent is my real reason for traveling this far south. Not really searching for a home, but more.. of a 'camp'. When this place's promise of easy survival runs out, I'll move on to the next."

In truth, Elias didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing in his life but he was determined not to let himself be anchored down to any one place again. His home growing up would always hold a place in his heart, but his pack had been far too attached to that land. They'd decorated it in the bones of their ancestors only to watch the volcano destroy all that they'd cherished. Nothing in this life was a guaranteed constant, and he would not allow himself to become so easily committed to such an idea again. He met the woman's golden stare while he remained quiet in his thoughts before finally, an inquiry was voiced. "And you? Reina, was it? What brings you this far south?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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