
Step Lightly


06-19-2013, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:32 AM by Yin.)

She was a naturally angry woman, but this situation only made her that much angry, infuriated really. Who the hell was this creature, thinking it could come and take her and Hansel's life like that? Bastard was going to get a taste of his own damn medicine, that was for sure. It thought it come in willy nilly and just kill them because he was much bigger and supposedly stronger? Damn fool. He had pissed off the wrong she-wolf that night.

Dagger like weapons had a choke-hold on the throat of the animal, squeezing harder and harder with each breath that the creature took, slowly strangling it, it's life force ebbing into her jaws. Hansel was still on top of the creature, jaws securely clamped over its neck, biting through muscles, weakening the animal. She could feel it begin to die within her grasp, bringing a satisfied growl from the depths of her chest. It called out again with its that call of his, swiping at the ivory she wolf, catching the same shoulder, making the gauges across her right shoulder that much deeper. A hiss of a breath whipped past her clenched teeth as the beast lost its footing, collapsing to the ground, inhaling a last shuddering breath before finally going still. It was dead. Yin snarled, daggers locking around its trachea as she ripped it out with one vicious tug, the organ coming free from the corpse, dangling from her bloody jaws, satisfaction evident in her face.

They had won. She turned around to face Hansel, tossing the useless organ into the water with a toss of her head. We did. she rumbled, a sarcastic grin twisting her features. They had taught that bastard who wasn't to be messed with.

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