
So Far Away

Vadim I


3 Years

10-18-2016, 11:58 PM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

When the girl finally looked up to him, she had a mouthful of grass and the image was enough to bring a smile to the boy's face as he watched her. He tried not to laugh, holding his composure so he didn't make her feel awkward in his presence. A childish chuckle finally escape him when she stood up and gave her enthusiastic greeting, though. He grinned, standing calmly as he tilted her head to attempt to hear her better while she answered.

He had not expected her to say that she didn't have a home at all. Perhaps her family was lurking a little ways away, or possibly even inside the pack lands visiting.. but.. no home at all? He tried not to frown but gave her a nod, "Can't really be lost if you don't have a home to go to, I guess." He glanced back at the pack borders just a few yards away and thought quietly. He was almost jealous, almost. Freedom and independence at her age would have been rough and even now it would be, he'd been blessed by being birthed into a strong pack and a strong family. Even without their mother, they were all growing healthy and.. as he looked over the girl's body he couldn't help but wonder if she'd remain the same. She seemed happy, though.. and that was kind of admirable. Despite her situation, she found it within herself to remain positive in the presence of a stranger and he smirked at the thought.

Part of him wanted to ask if she had any family traveling with her, but then again.. part of him didn't seem to care at the moment. If they let travel so close to the pack borders and get this skinny and friendly of strangers, he wasn't sure they deserved to have her company. Did he? Well. He... he could hunt at least. Sort of. He caught a rabbit and a chicken so far! Confident in his abilities to supply his new friend (whether she was aware he claimed her as such or not yet) with food, he grinned and introduced himself. "My name is Vadim, I live here in Ivalice. What's your name?"

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]