
So Far Away

Vadim I


3 Years

10-19-2016, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2016, 12:52 AM by Vadim I.)
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

Her nickname for him made him grin because he'd never had one before.. not that he could recall. Or perhaps it was the way she said it? Either way, he felt kind've.. special in a way, now that she'd given him one. He thought about shortening her name, but the whole thing honestly sounded prettier than 'No'... yeah, he'd just leave it the same. Part of him wondered if she had a last name he could use to pull a nickname from, but he could ask her about that later.. she seemed to be up and speaking again before he really had the chance to.

To her second question, he'd chuckle and nod his head, though he pulled away from her a bit as if to walk away and dismiss. "Of course, I would love to. Though.. how about we find something to eat first? I.. I caught a bird once, and.. and a rabbit." Of course, Amalia had thrown the rabbit into his jaws pretty much.. but she didn't need to know that, right? He lifted his head confidently. "So how about our first game is 'who can smell the rabbit first' yeah? We have to stay in sight of each other, though." He lowered an ear, hoping she understood the last part at least. He didn't want to lose her out here.. part of him thought about going to get an adult now, but.. he could do this! He could take care of her, he was sure of it.

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[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]