
Making Waves



10 Years
Athena I
10-19-2016, 02:06 PM

Baine tried to understand as Tornach explained where he had been and what he had been doing. It wasn't that she didn't understand what he was doing, it was just hard for her not to be selfish and think that whatever it was couldn't have waited for just a bit for him to come visit her or let her know all of this... But he was here now. And that's what she cared about. "That's really awesome, Tor!" she exclaimed, giving her littermate a big grin as her tail wagged behind her. She really was proud of them for doing this big project and creating this cool thing. It almost made her feel like she hadn't done anything with her life. In comparison she was just sitting around doing nothing while Tor was out creating a whole helpful community thing.

"I could come help sometimes if-" but before she could finish her younger siblings ran up and started interrogating him. Oh, that's right, they haven't met him yet. She smiled a little at the three of them, chuckling softly to herself. They were a lot to handle, that was for sure. Tornach introduced himself so she didn't have to try and answer their flurry of questions. Faite showed up next and Baine settled back on her haunches to let the rest of the family get to him more easily. She wanted to just keep her littermate all to herself for a minute so she could catch up with him, but he hadn't called for her. He had called for Regulus and the younger siblings. But it was okay. He was here and that was okay. He asked about their parents and she gave him a nod her expression growing sad. "Yeah, they are." She let Faite handle the part about Regulus. She didn't really know about their older brother or what he was up to.

"Talk" "You" Think