
you were all i ever longed for

Zephyr I


10 Years
10-19-2016, 09:23 PM
Zephyr was.. surprisingly tired. Though it was not long after midday, it was dark in these caves and could've been the midst of night here, for all he knew. The dark-furred male made his way slowly through the twisting turns of the underground labyrinth, with no apparent goal in sight.

He'd been wandering on his own for awhile now. Though it had been quite some time since he'd seen his mentor, being away from him was not completely unusual. They had lives of their own - though it often felt as though the other man was very much his other half these last few years - but he still found himself alone more frequently than not these days. His pale, sea-green eyes were narrowed into tiny slits as he peered into the darkness of the cavern, his gaze wary and calculated as he assessed what lay within. He'd already traveled a fair distance into the somber place, curious about what lay within. The aroma of the place was quite unusual, and he found himself wondering what may lurk in the darkness.

Paws carried the massive man deeper into the shadows. He was cautious, always on high alert - his friend and mentor had taught him this much. Letting his guard down was something that didn't happen anymore. Not since.. that day. Zephyr tried to not think of it anymore, but the memories crept in still, like water through cracks, wearing at his surface. Briefly he would shake his head, as though the motions would relieve the heavy thoughts from his mind.

Instead of dwelling on it further, he would decide to venture further into the caverns. It was damp and stale here, and his nose twitched as he examined the air. A soft grunt fell from his lips as he felt the slick cave floor give way beneath him, though quickly he regained his footing. He swore he heard a soft clicking again - it almost sounded like nails against the stone, constant and irritating - and he found himself scowling at the sound. Little did he know, it wasn't a real noise at all. He noted his head felt strangely light, not in an entirely unpleasant way, but he figured it was mostly due to the lack of fresh air here.

His jaw tightened as he stifled a yawn, venturing deeper into the caves, his posture slowly slackening as he grew more certain he was the only one here. Danger, while always present, did not seem to want to trouble him today.