
Can't Say You Won't {MEETING}



9 Years
10-20-2016, 09:00 PM

She had been keeping herself vary busy since she had joined Abaven. She had yet to stumble into the young Lass Bass had spoken of, she also had never come across his children that may have a herb storage somewhere. So the older healer started her own and had been busy stocking it so that she could call that training together. Jack seemed to be glued closer to their side since they had settled in and she fears he wasn't liking this change to much. She was sure after a little while he would get use to the pack life and for now she wasn't worrying over it. The silver women was currently hunting for herbs and had just returned to the field after her and Jack took some back to the den. Her hunting paused and her head raised, ears swiveling as she took in the call of Bass. He was calling the pack together. She huffed lightly as Jack called out leading the way. Picking up her pace she fallowed the sound of of his wings beating as he lead the way for her, flying low to the ground and leading her around and over obstacles in her way.

They didn't run, never did they run, but their pace was steady and it didn't take them long to arrive at the meeting. Jack quietly perched in a tree and remained above the meeting. Storm on the other hand casually approached, nose and ears twitching. She was overwhelmed by the scents of who was currently here. Six new and strong scents filled her nose making her stop and hesitate. Mouth dropped open as she lightly huffed, trying to clear the scents from her nose. Milky white orbs remained motionless as the women tried to decide where to go. It had been so long since she had been around others especially in a big gathering like this and right now she was a little nervous and overwhelmed. Though she needed to pull it together, Bass wanted her to hold a healing lesson and if she couldn't keep her composure now how would she when she was running a meeting. She moved forward again and as she did a familiar scent drifted into her nose. It made her feel better to know one was here that she knew and oddly enough it calmed her.

She took a seat close to the group, the blind women's ears and nose constantly twitching as she took everything in and waited for the meeting to start.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times