
Eggs and Bakie!


10-20-2016, 04:35 PM

It took awhile, but at last his dad's eyes popped open. He looked really confused, but he shook his head and scattered drops of water on him. Fable jumped back and let out a yelp, standing there with his right foreleg raised. No that wasn't fair! He had wanted his father to get wet, not him! Shaking out his own fur, he jumped back at Creed for some retribution. He flew at his father, attempting to latch his little puppy teeth around his left ankle, trying to wrap his front legs around the same limb to hold it fast into his mouth. It wasn't that hard of a bite, just a soft nip if he was allowed to do even that. After his little stunt he rose to his paws, bouncing around the larger man in a tight circle. He asked what he wanted to do, which made the boy pout. He already said that he wanted to learn something! "Anyfing! I jus' wanna learn!" The boy exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of his Da. Not waiting for the aging man, he turned on his heels and raced out of the den. Giving him the freedom to come and go as he pleased probably wasn't the best of ideas, but it was too late to shut him in now. Hollering as he raced out, he dug in his paws and came to a stop a short distance away.

When Fable looked over his shoulder he realized that Creed still wasn't at his side. With a sigh, he stomped his paws on the ground with force with each step he took towards the den. "Da! Come onnnnnn!" he whined, a demanding tone to his voice. He was bored of just sitting around and chasing things, he actually wanted to learn something and expand his mind. Something different than his normal routine would be lovely, he was craving some sort of change. Sitting around all day made him feel like a bump on a log, Fable craved to feel like he mattered and was needed. Time with his sire would surely do that, right?

Walk, "Talk" Think