
bleeding out into space



6 Years
10-20-2016, 06:46 PM
He is a lot of things, but coward is not one of them. Coward is the farthest thing that POser can think of himself. There are so many awful, terrible things... coward is the worst. To have no honor? No. He would not attack someone without being provoked. Not in a situation like this. Though the creature before him was guarded, Poser tried to make himself as open as possible. Everyone was looking at him funny in general around here, being... a not actual wolf. Right. A horse of a different color. But this creature, this Razor creature... either he didn't notice or he didn't care. Poser would take it. He would take what he could get when it came to his position here. Things get a little difficult when you barely know who you are, yourself.

Right. The creature speaks, and he nods along. Cocaine chic figure... does he have any muscle mass to be sore about? Ha. Still, he smiles softly and nods along. A creature from a pack. Disappointing, as he's looking for members of his club, but still a source of intrigue. The YGC would grow on its own, anyway. Poser shouldn't have to look. They'd fall into his lap, much like this creature had. "I suppose soggy isn't the way to go. Maybe a swim would be nice, I just don't want to go alone." He's leading the creature, making a statement that... well, ideally the end would justify the means.

A name. Razor. How, ah, edgy? He cracked himself up, but didn't really bother laughing. Poser was well aware how absolutely hilarious the inside of his head could be. Or terrible. Six of one, half dozen of the other. "Poser, charmed." Right. Charmed. The Russian man would be polite as ever.

So it goes.
your charged touch
breathy way of saying my name

[Image: VVdK7m3.png]