
turned him to gold


10-20-2016, 07:49 PM
As the man speaks, Fortune finds a small smirk washing over her face. There's a truth to his statement-- she feels it too. "You can say that again. They're different here alright, I like it." Her tail wags, head high. Right. Interaction could be hard, but he was smart. He was agreeable. She should work pretty hard to be agreeable too. It was going to be easier that way, it was going to be more conducive to her knowing this creature. Meeting. Knowing. Getting accustomed to all the different things that happened in this place that Fortune supposed was her new home. There's not a hell of a lot of grace to her, anyways. That would probably come with time, but for now she lets herself be rough around the edges. Harder to change yourself when everything around you was changing too.

"Only if you teach me how to say that," She's trying. She's trying to be friendly, but it's taking a lot of her capacity to process everything else. Fortune's tail wags for a moment, her excitement hanging in the air. Strange syllables, foreign to her tongue. Foreign to everything she knew and understood. They were interesting, and she wanted to pick up and absorb as much as she could. "Do you bird hunt much?" After all, if she was dealing with an expert, they'd have a pile of prey quicker than you could blink. If not, at least she was a competent teacher.

So it goes.

shock & awe