
All work and no play


10-20-2016, 10:24 PM

Fable Ancora

When Baine held her paw beside his, he noticed that they were almost the same size. Wait what?? How could they be the same size when he was so little and she was so big? Did that mean that he was going to be bigger than her when he was all grown up? For some reason the idea made him sad, and he put his paw back down with a frown. He didn't want to be bigger than everyone! He wanted to be big but not like... that big. If he towered over everyone then they were going to be scared of him! That was something that Fable didn't want, not even a little bit. But his sadness only lasted for a moment when she asked if he wanted to play a game. Oh boy a game! Letting out an excited yip he placed his paw down and bounded around her a few times, hardly able to contain himself. He loved games, lots of games, hunting games, chasing games, games coming up with games! She flipped it around again and asked him what he like to play, making the energetic pup pause as he leaned against her laying form. Now that was a hard question, 'cause he liked all the games! But which ones did he love best?

"Ummm..." he said, looking up at the expansion of blue skies about them. He couldn't pick, so his gray and white head turned to her as his tongue hung out of his mouth. "I can't pwick one, 'cause I wike dem all! You pwick a game, and den we can pway it!" The boy stammered out. He was in such a rush to get words out that sometimes they made no sense at all. But that only added to his cuteness factor, didn't it?