
Can't Say You Won't {MEETING}

Sparrow I


7 Years
10-20-2016, 10:52 PM
Sparrow never felt like she knew what she wanted anymore. Well, that was a lie, or at least part of a lie. She knew what she wanted, but she feared her family would reject her for it. She wanted to leave. She wanted to roam. She didn't want to stick in a dying pack where every meeting just meant more heartache and disappointment. She wanted to be her own wolf. She wanted to greet others and them have no idea who she was or what to expect. She wanted to go and build herself up as an adult.

But if she said that, her family would think she was abandoning them.

Just like her mother.

Just like everyone else.

Sparrow stared out of the pack boarders more than ever now. She edged away almost on a daily basis, but usually came back before the day was up. When the meeting was called, Sparrow felt a knot form in her stomach. What would be said? The usual, "We need to be better and I can't do this by myself," or would there be something else?

Sparrow had wanted to leave before, but Lark's words held her fast. He didn't want to be alpha, he didn't want Raba to be alpha because that might change Abaven, but he wasn't doing anything to contribute either. Her siblings didn't feel close for all that talk about family and home. Sparrow was tired of it. Had her father even talked to Lillianna or looked into the issue at all? Probably not, because no one wanted to ruffle feathers. It was about time someone started doing something, though.

In her frustration, Sparrow made it to the meeting, nearly tripping over Dart in the process. She turned and almost sent a nasty look his direction before realizing that it was her fault.

"Sorry, living in my head, I guess," she mumbled.

By habit, she found her siblings and sat near them before she even realized it. Too late now. Sparrow swallowed and hoped no one noticed her fidgeting.