
Kick Through The Shackles



4 Years
Extra large
10-21-2016, 08:23 PM

Karabela moved with sure-footed elegance. With each step her confidence grew as did her excitement. She couldn't wait to see the view from the top of this mountain especially with it being surrounded by water! The view would be stunning she was sure of it but they still had a long way to go and Karabela was new to the mountain and could only make educated guesses as to the best routes to take. She also was uncertain of Selene. Would the other woman be alright with such a lofty quest? She supposed they could take it easy for now and simply explore, get a feel for the mountain, before she returned later to reach the very top.

Raba paused as she grinned at Selene. She had a few suggestions though unfortunately they were all about as far away from where they were now as one could get. "Ok, suggestions, let me seeā€¦ well I have some good one's but you'll have to travel really far. Though if you like to travel and explore by the time you're done you'll see most of Boreas. If you like deserts you should travel far to the west, like straight west form here, all the way towards the western coast there's a place called the Whisperer's Gorge. It's full of twisting, winding paths, strange caves and stranger sights to see. There's even a room that seems to glow! Just north of that is the Deadman's Scrap. It's a weird, kind of dirty land full of all sorts of stuff that you won't find anywhere else. Trash, treasures, hooman things. Then far to the north there's a place called the Marble Wash. It's an ancient river bed as white as bone and some times when you're there in the evening you can see gold running through it."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king