
Caliber & Ricochet Armistice



4 Years
10-21-2016, 11:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2016, 02:50 AM by Vianni.)
OOC Name: Bird
Name: Gavin "Caliber" Armistice
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Height: 38 inches
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Design: Click
[ 38 inches - 165 pounds ] Caliber may be tall, but he is not the tallest. As such, his appearance would not strike much intimidation in others. He is taller than most of his species, boasting a subtle 38 inches at the shoulder. This height was gifted to him through the lines of the Armistice family, passed down by his ancestors. Given a healthy weight of 165 pounds, he holds an athletic build. His body is a proportionate wonder, crafted to near perfection as a mortal can get. Gracefully slender legs provide a means of portage for a large torso and an open - though not overly broad - chest. Lean muscle sheathes tightly around his bones, showing more tone around his limbs. Caliber's physique leans neither towards strength nor speed, but rather floats somewhere in the middle; giving Caliber equal strengths an features in both.
[ Monochrome - Fluffy coat ] To begin, Caliber sports a predominantly dark gray coat. A black saddle marking, and trimmings of black around his extremities, gives his coat depth and a unique appearance. A lighter grey can be found on his sides, cheeks, and legs. From his throat to his belly and on his front legs, there is an even lighter gray that brightens his pelt up a bit.
[ Heterochromia - Green & White eyes ] This boy was heaped with gifts from his ancestry, this one comes in the rather unusual form of heterochromia - meaning he has two different eye colors. His left eye is a beautiful and rare diamond, shining a brilliant white out of an otherwise dark face. There are small slivers of silver and stormy gray to give the color depth and an almost sparkling effect. The right eye is a wonderful, yet startling, shade of green. Like the new leaves on a spring tree, Caliber's right eye is a spectacle to rival that of his left eye. Woven into the varying shades of green in his gaze one can find a deep, oceanic blue. This makes his right eye look like opals in the right light.

[ Detached ] - Looking at his puppy years, one would be able to gather that Caliber was not a wolf who enjoyed interaction or contact with other wolves. He abhors company and views friendships as mere obstacles that slow him down. All wolves are the same in his eyes, every one of them out to do him harm. Only comfortable in his own company, Caliber prefers to be away from the hustle of society, left to ramble about in his own mind. If forced to interact with other wolves, he will most likely shut them out - not caring if he has to be rude or even violent to return to his own, cold world.
[ Nonchalant ] - Adding to his already bright personality, Caliber lacks enthusiasm or concern for others. He does have feelings, but prefers to remain calm most of the time by suppressing his true emotions. He has deceived himself into believing that he cannot show who he really is to anyone. Instead, he shows the world as much apathy as he can.
[ Apathetic ] - In trying to avoid other wolves, Caliber also gives his all in trying to avoid their problems. He has enough of his own. If faced with a challenging situation, he will most likely choose non-action unless his own life is involved. He rarely speaks, let alone actually help anyone who isn't Caliber. He finds it easier to avoid empathizing.
[ Strong ] - Though he may seem cowardly and vain, Caliber boasts an incredible amount of courage and confidence somewhere deep inside him. When he is pushed to, he will stand up for himself without any qualms and fight back. His anger can get the best of him, which can make him a bit violent. Possessing a strong will, Caliber isn't one that could be called a pushover, nor is he easily swayed once he has made up his mind. He could be a leader if the situation called for it, though he prefers to be in the backdrop where he is easily ignored.
[ Loyal ] - While it is tough to crack his rough shell, Caliber can be a truly steadfast ally. Rarely does he open up to other, but there is a chance to form a bond with him. Somewhere in there he has the heart of a lion, ready to stand by the ones he comes to truly care about. He is capable of showing staunch support and an unwavering allegiance.

[ 0 - 1 year]: Born to the Armistice bloodlines to Splinter and Aven, Caliber was unfortunately partially deaf. During the siege of his birth pack, Caliber lost his parents, making his siblings and himself scatter. He was stolen by an enemy deserter during the battle, but his pack mates soon rescued him by killing the kidnapper. While his pack was being rebuilt, Caliber remained with what was left of his pack in a safe place. Though the healers tried to fix the damage caused by the battle and the loss of his family, Caliber developed signs of Early Childhood Trauma and it gradually worsened over the seasons. Due to his hearing impairment, Caliber was teased and taunted relentlessly by the other pups and yearlings left to his pack. Soon, it became too much for young Caliber to deal with and he eventually lashed out at another boy, killing him in the process. After seeing what was done, the pack chased him off and exiled him for his crime. During his time as a rogue, he meets a traveler by the name of Gavin. He learned as much as he could from the wolf he thought was his friend, having come to trust and even love the older wolf. One night, as Caliber slept, Gavin jumped him and viciously attacked Caliber. The male had lost his mind, and Caliber had no choice but to defend himself. He fought the older male and tried to drive him off, but the wolf kept coming until Caliber was forced to kill once again. Taking on the name of Gavin for himself as a reminder why he should never trust another wolf, he moves on by himself once again. Finding himself in Boreas, Caliber hopes to find a safe place to thrive and be left to himself for a while.

Plans: I am hoping to get him reunited with his siblings and then he will most likely pal around with them for a while. I tend to let a character's own story unfold, but I do see potential to either worsen or better his outlook and mannerisms lol! Definitely down for mayhem though!
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.