
Kick Through The Shackles

Selene I


4 Years
10-22-2016, 10:57 AM

Selene is nothing if not starving for adventure. She's got the endurance to go on and on and on-- forever, if she needed to. If she didn't need to go on forever, she could at least do it for a while. She was ready to go as close to touching gthe sun as the other woman was ready for. Raba was friendly, she was kind. Selene was happy with her choice in companion for the day. With her fragile confidence (some days fragile, at least, and today was one of those) she couldn't have handled someone standoffish or... well... mean.

Raba speaks easily as they pad together up the side of the mountain. It's nice to have someone else that will talk, that will tell her the stories and secrets of this land. Marble wash, Whisperer's Gorge, Deadman's Scrap. The last one sounded the most interesting-- treasure! "I like to travel, it's always been my life." Selene worries for a moment she' said too much. People, they didn't like people like her. Gypsies. Unclean, dirty, moving along as the wind and the prey did. There were rarely days when they'd be set up longer than two or three sunsets. She misses it, sure, but... it's a long ways from her now. Such a long ways. But that's okay.

Selene is able to recover from her falter, divert attention back away from her past. At least internally. That's what matters. "Maybe we could go treasure hunting one day, if you aren't busy!" Being who she was, Raba... would have to be busy. But that's okay, Selene likes company, she likes to dream. It's easiest that way. She's light on her feet, a fae creature, as she keeps up with the larger woman. The starlit, today, is happy. Forever enduring. Selene would continue on.

[Image: PeVC6RS.png]