
Step Lightly


06-20-2013, 12:22 AM
The silvery ghost of a wolf laid back on his side. His muscles ached, and his cuts stung from the saltwater, grit, and air. He sighed, the cool night air stirring his pelt. He glanced at the ivory white figure, moon casting off of her like a spirit."What now? That thing is dead, and who knows if there are more around." He mused. Secretly, he was afraid there were more around. And the way they were now, they were sitting bait. He didn't have energy left to fight, let alone run. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep. He pulled himself onto shaky pillars, slowly and painfully. He was beginning to feel aware of how painful some of his injuries were, the deeper ones yet to remind him. Staggering slightly, he made his way farther away from the water. He wanted to be well away from that dead demon and anything to do with it.

"That's the one that had my sister. I smelled her scent on it. I only hope she's alive... A grim expression adorned his face as he thought about her again. He did something without her. That was rare if it ever happened. But it did happen, and he felt somewhat accomplished. He waited for Yin to come over so that they could discuss what to do next. If anything, he figured they may either part ways and she'd return to her brother, or he'd tag along and perhaps find out if anyone had seen his sister.