
Axiom of Choice

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
10-22-2016, 12:04 PM

Black sand clung between her toes as she travelled along the beach. The sun was just setting and the moon starting to rise making the beach look like sparkling fire and Birna found a calming beauty in the dancing lights beneath her feet. Stern, cold, she should be right at home being a loner but as each day passed she found herself growing more and more lonely. The life of a loner had never really been for her. It was one thing belonging to no pack and traveling with her brother but another entirely to be so completely alone. She also questioned the morality of it. She had family left in Boreas, why did she not go to them? Was she still holding out hope of finding her brother? Why couldn't she just let him go. The odds of them meeting again were nonexistent and she knew that by now but no matter how fragile her hope it never would see to die.

Her thoughts drifted to her niece, Karabela, who was off somewhere starting her own pack. She vaguely knew the girl from her days in Imperium but they hadn't really interacted that much and she really didn't know what to say but that hope, that bloody hope was somewhere in her heart that they could connect. Was it really right for her to be wandering in self-pity when she could be standing by her niece and guiding the girl? She sought for family in the wilds when part of it remained in the mountains beckoning for her. Karabela had offered her a place in Ivory Ridge and the time to mull it over. Perhaps it was time to take the girl, no… woman, up on her offer.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]