
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-20-2013, 12:27 AM

Eria was still wondering what the two-legged figure was. She had never seen anything - or anyone - of that nature, so having anything other than a four-legged animal in front of her was surprising. The curiosity that ran through her mind was present in her light ocean blue eyes, which explained why they moved from the human drawing to the next few that surrounded them: another bison, a few arrows that surrounded its head and back, and a fire with logs beneath it. Her brows furrowed and she narrowed her eyes when she saw the picture of the fire. It looked so familiar, but she couldn't put her paw on it.
After a few seconds of staring, Eria realized that she had pressed her face closer to the wall. The cold stone made her nose tingle and she slowly pulled back with a couple of retreating paw steps. She shook her head gently and looked over at Pontifex. Now that she could see him clearly, she knew she was meant to find him near Glaciem. The fact that they had helped each other out after only knowing each other for a few short hours made a difference in how she would have seen him without the hospitalities. Eria put this thought into a deeper crevice of her mind, intending on using it later.
She spoke to Pontifex as she looked at him before turning her gaze back to the drawings. "I hope that...whatever it doesn't come back. There's just something about it, even though it looks harmless, that doesn't seem right." The tip of her tail curled and she gave a harmless snarl towards the human stick figure. "If I ever see one, I think I would run.."
