
in a little green boat



10 Years
Extra large
10-22-2016, 09:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2016, 09:58 PM by Áki.)
It was refreshing to meet a soul who seemed so.. wholesome. Simple didn't seem quite like the right word to describe her, because she seemed far too knowledgeable and interesting to be called anything but simple. Amusement flickered in his deep crimson stare as he watched her, turning to direct him deeper into the ship despite the fact that he hadn't said he wanted to sleep or not. Might as well warm up from the cold before continuing on, even if he didn't exactly sleep - rest was always appreciated, and turning his back on a pleasant wolf wasn't something he did often. Not when so many that he met were.. well, mediocre might be a good word for it.

Her answer seemed cryptic, enough to keep his interest and to keep him from prying too deeply. A soft chuckle left his throat, echoing gently off the solid walls around him. "A quest, hm?" he'd ask lightly, a harmless enough question to ignore if she didn't feel like delving deeper into her story. But Orica seemed willing to share - actually, she seemed pretty content to share, if he had to judge. He found himself grinning. She was looking for a northern pack, one that could very well be ruled by her family. It didn't sound familiar to him at all, but why would it? He was interested nonetheless, and grateful that she had shared it with him.

"I can't say any of this sounds familiar to me," he offered gently, with a touch of regret in his deep voice. Aki wished he had more information for her, but he avoided packs at all costs. "Though I have come close to a few claimed territories, I know nothing else. I know if you travel due south from here, you will come to a forest that is claimed by a pack," the male shrugged his wide shoulders along with his words. "Though I haven't explored it long enough to know how many there are. I'm afraid I can't help you much." He eyed her in the dark - it was much darker at this more enclosed end, than by the entrance, his gaze soft and apologetic. Hopefully she would find a way to find them, and reunite with her family, if possible.

With a soft grunt, and a bit of shuffling around, he found a comfortable spot and would lower himself to the metal floor with ease. It was a bit warmer her, shielded from the elements, though his surroundings were wildly unnatural and far from what he was used to. "I hope you find them," Aki would offer after a moment of fidgeting and getting himself settled more comfortably.