
Wakey wakey


10-23-2016, 05:12 AM

She didn't mind the recent lack of rain and how the mangrove had slightly dried up. She had always been a little uncertain of the pools and streams that looked so deep that she could fully submerge herself. Which she didn't like, no, was intimidated by. How could one enjoy being fully underwater, being pulled down by the pressure and not being able to breathe? Whatever enjoyment other wolves found in it, Diana couldn't find it. Smaller ponds or puddles were okay - just enough for her to get her paws wet. But no more, no more than that. Hopefully her sister wouldn't insist on her joining; she was fine with sitting to the side and observing. She preferred it that way. And that was only if she found water deep enough.

Besides, she had no reason to go for a swim. Unlike her sister, she didn't have this congestion. Her nose felt alright, and just to check, she gave a little sniff. Only a little bit of snot, but that wasn't congestion, right? Her nose wasn't blocked or anything. Maybe she wasn't meant to have that snot in there at all. Oh dear, now she was growing self-conscious over her nose. "I like healing," she began with another irritated sniff, "and I like hunting too. But not fighting. Is there something in between? Like a healer-hunter?" Oh, she should know this too, but she didn't.

"Talk" "You" Think