
Even so, come

Vadim I


3 Years

10-23-2016, 08:45 AM
Vadim Armada
I tried to sell my soul last night. Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite.

He had fallen asleep somewhere near his new friend beneath one of the denser pines, feeling rather protective over the young girl. He knew Ivalice could help her, but some part of him was.. almost worried that she'd favor someone else over him, and that would just be heartbreaking. He wasn't in love with the girl, no! But it was sort of like the thing that happened in the mines with his sister.. jealousy wasn't the best trait to have, but.. no one was perfect! So, there he was huddled up with her protectively when the familiar, sweet sound of Amalia's voice stirred him from his slumber.

His ears perked slowly, the tired boy forcing himself to wake up.. it was difficult. Sleep was holding on tight, and he almost fell asleep again until he remembered why he was trying to fight sleep.. Amalia! His bright orange eyes shot open suddenly and while he had the energy, he forced himself to stand up. He stumbled a bit, and the lower branches of the pine prickled against his coat and tickled his face but he it aided him in his goal, so as soon as he was conscious he pulled himself out of the pine and went trotting toward the part of the border where he'd heard her call.

As soon as he saw her, he couldn't stop from grinning. He couldn't believe she'd found him, that must have meant she came looking for him! She liked him that much? He felt a whine leave his throat and a grin spread across his lips as he nearly bubbled over with happiness, taking off in an excited, goofy run right toward her. He slowed as he neared her red face and lowered his head, his ears folding back as he affectionately lapped at her maw if she'd allow. "Ama!!!" He nearly squealed, his voice was starting to deepen but still held a bit of boyishness to it... especially when his emotions were high like right now. He nuzzled his head against the small woman, closing his eyes for a moment as he embraced her. "I'm so happy to see you!! How are you?"

html by castlegraphics; image by KFCEmployee
[Image: vadim_by_nnightcrawler-dais3pi.png]